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Energy Shield Radiant Barrier


Energy Shield Radiant Barrier



How a Radiant Barrier works: Heat transfer three ways; Conduction, Convection and Radiant Heat Transfer.

Conduction is heat transfer by a direct object like a pan on the stove. Only 5 to 7% of the heat transfer in our homes are by conduction. Convection is when heat rises which is up to 45% in the Winter and 0% in the summer.

Radiant Heat is anything over zero degrees giving off heat from one object to the next object. Radiant Heat is 93% of the heat gain in the summer and up to 75% of the heat loss in the Winter.


Conventional insulation, no matter the kind or depth only works with conduction and convection heat. Radiant Barrier blocks the radiant heat, either keeping the summer heat out or the winter heat in. It makes the insulation work better because the insulation is not getting saturated with heat.


Benefits of Radiant Barrier Energy Shield

Attics are generally heated through radiation. The foil surfaces of our Energy Shield Radiant Barrier reflect the heat and prevent it from radiating into the attic space making your home more comfortable and improving the efficiency of the attic insulation and AC system.  

With Energy Improvement's Radiant Barrier, you will:

  • Reflect up to 95% of the radiant energy striking your home

  • Reduce electric and gas bills drastically year round

  • Increase the comfort level of your home

  • Increase the efficiency of A/C and Heating unit

  • Never have to insulate your attic again!

  • Keep insect and rodent infestation down in your attic


Enjoy a Radiant Barrier that is Maintenance free & Guaranteed for Life!


Before and After

This brief video shows the before and after pictures of the Energy Improvements Shield radiant barrier installed. Every job is a custom job; the heat shield is put in one piece at a time. Water heaters are wrapped with a double bubble type radiant barrier to keep the heat from escaping. Walk ways and decking are outlined with an orange striping paint to show where it is safe to walk and to be able to place personal storage. The barrier is very durable so it will not be damaged from walking on it or storing items on top.


The Energy barrier can be installed to the rafters or the floor joist. The floor joist method is the most widely used for several reasons. One the barrier will work in the winter as well as the summer. If it’s installed to the rafters, the winter benefit is negated.

The fire safety is another reason, though this is not the motivation for a radiant barrier to be installed, it has saved customers of Energy Improvements homes from burning down and even saved lives. If the shield is installed to the rafters, the shingles are heated up 8 to 12 degrees more which possible shortens the life and warranty of the roofing materials. Going to the rafters also takes more time, energy, material and money. So in short to install the Energy Improvement Shield Radiant Barrier to the rafters costs more money with a little less results and benefits. And as you can see in these pictures, we install our energy barrier in a lot of homes with the tech shield type of decking already in place. The tech shield has no air space so they are limited in how it performs and reflects.

Technical Specifications:

  • Mounting Method E2599

  • Specification ASTM E84-11

  • Flame Spread  of 5

  • Smoke developed 20

  • ASTM C1371

  • ASTM 2261 {tear strength} MD 26.94 lbs. TD 30.04 lbs.

  • Thickness 4.0 mills

  • Weight 28 lbs. / 1000 sq. ft.

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